Monday, October 31, 2011

Regarding the Corporate Conspiracy Theory behind Cannabis Prohibition

The conspiracy theory about the hidden corporate ties of Hearst and DuPont promoting prohibition has been talked about for years, but all that does is distract from the true agenda of marijuana prohibition.  The role that Hearst and Dupont played in the promotion of cannabis prohibition is interesting, but much less important than many people think.  The real agenda that people should be aware of (and scared about) is the power these cannabis prohibition laws have allowed the federal government to gain more power.  Much of what is done today in the name of  the "War on Drugs' was considered unconstitutional in 1937.

The corporate conspiracy theory implies prohibition exists (or initially existed) to protect commercial interests, the truth is much simpler and much more ominous. Prohibition was (and still is) about nothing more than political power for the agencies and administrators charged with it's enforcement.  The DOJ (and other enforcement agencies) have more power today than they ever had before, and they owes all of that to Prohibition.

After the end of alcohol prohibition the federal agencies which had been created and enlarged to enforce that law were in a position in which they were going to lose funding.  Henry Anslinger took political  advantage of public misinformation to get the U.S.Congress to enact a new prohibition on canabis in 1937.  This was made even easier because of the yellow journalism and "Jim Crow law" attitudes prevalent at the time.

Cannabis prohibition was at it's start and has continued to be throughout it's history, nothing more than a way for the agencies charged with enforcement to continue to exist at the scale they operate.  Prohibition exists for the purpose of allowing the drug enforcement bureaucracy to grow and flourish.

The government usually loves conspiracy theories.  They usually do contain elements of truth, but shift attention away from where it really needs to be. Conspiracy theories are just another element in propaganda campaigns. It's like a 'slight of had' trick performed by magicians. The feds have probably encouraged the conspiracy theory themselves in an effort to keep peoples attention off the true agenda.

Prohibition has been so successful for it's true agenda, the DOJ (and other enforcement agencies) now have enough clout to threaten state legislators and our federal congress whenever they try to loosen the legislation.

The only ones who have ever benefited from cannabis prohibition has been the drug enforcement agencies and organized crime (both sides of the 'War on Drugs').  The rights of our citizens, our states, and many of the founding principles of our government have been trampled on in the process.

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